HOPV 2023, London, Dates

12 – 14 June, UK

We are pleased to announce that Edinburgh Instruments will be attending HOPV which will be taking place from June 12 – 14 2023 in London.

The main topics of this conference are the development, function and modelling of materials and devices for hybrid and organic solar cells, including perovskite solar cells, organic solar cells, quantum dot solar cells, and dye-sensitized solar cells, together with their integration into complementary devices such as photoelectrochemical water splitting. Building upon success of the previous HOPV conferences, the conference will provide an excellent opportunity for scientists and engineers around the world to discuss the latest developments in hybrid and organic photovoltaics.

If you are planning to attend HOPV, then why not arrange a time to speak with our team who will be on hand throughout the event. Please contact us at sales@edinst.com to arrange a time.

Find out more about HOPV 2023…

If you are interested in attending HOPV 2023, please visit the official website for more information. Registration for the event is now open.


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